A Lasting Impression: The Power of Custom Deal Toys
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

A Lasting Impression: The Power of Custom Deal Toys

In the dynamic world of investment banking, sealing a successful deal is more than just a transaction—it's a testament to expertise, collaboration, and strategic prowess. In this blog post, we'll delve into the art of crafting custom deal toys, exploring how these tangible representations of financial achievements go beyond mere symbols, leaving a lasting impression on both clients and team members.

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The Art of Custom Recognition: Enhancing Corporate Culture
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

The Art of Custom Recognition: Enhancing Corporate Culture

In the fast-paced world of business, fostering a positive corporate culture is more crucial than ever. One powerful way to achieve this is through the art of custom recognition. In this blog post, we'll explore how bespoke designs and small batch custom manufacturing can elevate your company's culture and leave a lasting impression on your employees.

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Crystalizing Team Spirit
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

Crystalizing Team Spirit

Enter the world of glass deal toys, where crystal desktop awards go beyond symbolic representations to crystallize the very spirit of teamwork.

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Lucite: More Than an Office Accessory
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

Lucite: More Than an Office Accessory

Continuing our look at elevating employee recognition awards by adopting some of the elements of deal toy or financial tombstone design expertise to make employee awards more effective, let’s look at how Lucite desktop awards have evolved from being perceived as office embellishments to strategic assets for HR professionals.

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It's Crystal Clear, Recognition is Essential
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

It's Crystal Clear, Recognition is Essential

Delve into the intricacies of employee recognition with crystal desktop awards—transparent symbols that go beyond mere ornamentation to play an essential role in talent retention. In the competitive landscape of the professional world, crystal tombstones become indispensable tools in the HR toolkit. Their clarity is not just in their material but in the message they convey: that employee efforts are not merely seen but celebrated.

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The Art of Negotiation
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

The Art of Negotiation

The art of negotiation is not confined to boardrooms and legal documents; it extends to the tangible representation of success—the financial deal toy.

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A Toast to Teamwork
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

A Toast to Teamwork

Raise a glass (or a beer glass replica in Lucite) to teamwork! These awards symbolize collaboration, reminding us that success in business is a collective effort.

We care as much about your project as you do, and that’s evident in every interaction. Teamwork makes the dream work. So let’s raise a glass to your success and ours. To us, they are one and the same.

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ROI: Recognition of Impact
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

ROI: Recognition of Impact

In the world of finance, ROI usually means return on investment. But with deal toys, it's also recognition of impact—acknowledging that every deal leaves a lasting impression.

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Louder Than Words
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

Louder Than Words

Deal toys aren't confined to boardrooms; they transcend office walls, becoming symbols of accomplishment that speak louder than words in the corporate ecosystem.

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Break the Ice, Make the Deal
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

Break the Ice, Make the Deal

Deal toys aren't just monuments to past successes - they can break the ice and serve as proof of ability that can pave the way for successful negotiations, a tangible display of bona fides that let everyone know you’ve been there before. 

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Sculpting Success
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

Sculpting Success

Deal toys aren't just mementos; they're sculptures that immortalize the intricate dance of negotiations and the artistry of financial triumphs. 

The creative team at Polaris has been the backbone of the industry at a number of different firms worldwide over the last thirty years. Now we’ve put those creative professionals to the fore, cutting out the go-betweens to make Polaris the most nimble and talented firm in the industry.

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The Power of Recognition
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

The Power of Recognition

Beyond all the data and transactions, deal toys stand out as tangible trophies of success, giving due recognition to the professionals behind financial deals.

To that end, on every deal you work on, make sure you give the deal toy its due. You have a million other things to take care of, so rely on the creative professionals and avoid the runaround you may have gotten from working with legacy providers.

See what a difference it makes when you work directly with the experts. Don’t settle for less.

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Out with the Old
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

Out with the Old

New year, new deal toy provider.

Tired of slow responses, long lead times, hefty prices and the frustration of dealing with go-betweens?

Instead, try taking a new approach. When you work with Polaris, you work directly with the creative team that manages your project. This direct access to the experts means faster service, more effective designs and lower prices. It’s better in every way.

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The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

On this Christmas Day, we at Polaris Custom Awards are thinking about the reasons that marking a successful transaction with a deal toy that is a worthy symbol of what it represents is so important. And it’s why that very idea is at the heart of what Polaris Custom Awards does. Make awards that are worthy symbols of what they represent. It’s our credo, our guiding principle, our Polaris.

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The Most Toys
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

The Most Toys

Some people collect baseball cards.

At Polaris Custom Awards, we cater to a different kind of collector: investment banking professionals who collect deal toys as they build their resume of deals.

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Cookie Cutters
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

Cookie Cutters

Cookie cutters are great for some things.

But when it comes to custom awards - and this goes for deal toys, financial tombstones, corporate awards, employee recognition and all manner of landmarks from patents to product launches - you want something special. Anything but the cookie cutter approach most legacy deal toy firms employ.

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Deal Trophies, Now and Forever
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

Deal Trophies, Now and Forever

Unique deal toys create a resume on display in your office - meaningful symbols of your professional history, representing your particular experience and expertise, a sign of your part in every successful transaction.

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All Killer, No Filler
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

All Killer, No Filler

While other companies rely on middlemen and go-betweens, Polaris was built by a team of creators who have on-the-ground experience in deal toy design and manufacturing on three continents, spanning four decades.

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Lasting Symbols
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

Lasting Symbols

The real value of deal toys, financial tombstones, Lucites, deal markers or corporate awards is what they represent to recipients - and how they resonate with recipients. Done well, deal toys can have long-lasting and far-reaching effects.

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Transparency in Recognition
Polaris Custom Awards Polaris Custom Awards

Transparency in Recognition

Crystal and Lucite desktop awards bring clarity to employee recognition, fostering a culture where appreciation is crystal clear.

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