Sculpting Success

Deal toys aren't just mementos; they're sculptures that immortalize the intricate dance of negotiations and the artistry of financial triumphs. 

When your team does a deal, some of you may have ideas for the deal toy - that’s great, some great concepts come this way. When you don’t have ideas, it’s no problem at all when you’re dealing with the creative professionals at Polaris Custom Awards. 

The creative team at Polaris has been the backbone of the industry at a number of different firms worldwide over the last thirty years. At Polaris, we’ve put those creative professionals to the fore, cutting out the go-betweens to make Polaris the most nimble and talented firm in the industry. 

Want to test this claim? Put a new project request in at Polaris and at two or three other deal toy firms. See who gets back to you first. Evaluate the designs they send. Compare the pricing they offer. And then it should be clear: the business model the creative team at Polaris has pioneered leaves the legacy players gathering dust.


Break the Ice, Make the Deal


The Power of Recognition