Break the Ice, Make the Deal

Deal toys aren't just monuments to past successes - they can break the ice and serve as proof of ability that can pave the way for successful negotiations, a tangible display of bona fides that let everyone know you’ve been there before. 

Who better to trust with financial advisory than experts with a proven track record - a record that’s on display in the form of deal toys commemorating past accomplishments. 

Looking at this way, deal toys are a kind of secret handshake of the business world.

Commemorating transactions is an important part of any investment banker’s resume, so it only makes sense to entrust the task of providing deal toys to the most talented and capable firm in the industry. Polaris Custom Awards is different from the legacy players in so many ways - chief among them is that we’ve cut out the go-betweens.

When you work with Polaris you work directly with the experts. Don’t settle for less. 


Louder Than Words


Sculpting Success