Out with the Old

New year, new deal toy provider.

Have you ever felt taken for granted by your deal toy provider - maybe they take a few days to send you initial designs or they take a day or two to send you revisions? You may be dealing with a recognition company stuck in the old way of doing things.

Or maybe you feel like you’re not dealing directly with the experts. You ask questions about your project and you get answers like, “let me check with the Production team,” or “let me check with the Art team,” or “let me check with…” and then you wait another day or two.

Instead, try taking a new approach, like we do at Polaris Custom Awards. When you work with Polaris, you work directly with the creative team that manages your project. This direct access to the experts means faster service, more effective designs and lower prices.

When you’re working with Polaris, you’re working directly with the experts. You have questions, we have answers. Start the new year fresh - include Polaris in the bidding process when you have a new deal toy project and you’ll see how working with Polaris is better in every way.


The Power of Recognition


The Gift That Keeps On Giving