Wrapping It Up

We’ve gone over the various purposes deal toys can serve, and now it’s time to wrap it up and put a bow on it: Deal Toys transcend their physical form to become powerful symbols of success, recognition, and appreciation in investment banking and also in the broader the corporate world.

Polaris Custom Awards endeavors to make all of our custom awards for desktop display worthy symbols of what they represent, not just financial tombstones for M&A and other transactions, but also pharma awards and biotech awards - drug vial embedments for FDA approval recognition. Polaris puts the same effort into energy deal awards and real estate deal awards and all kinds of employee awards, like years of service awards and other milestone markers.

From strengthening client relationships to fostering team morale and showcasing corporate prestige, these custom-made artifacts - financial tombstones, years of service awards, employee recognition, Lucite and crystal deal toys - play a vital role in commemorating and celebrating the achievements of businesses worldwide.


Deals in 3D: Tangible Symbols of Success


Milestones and Achievements