Bob Evans Knew the Power of Lucite

There’s a great scene in the Paramount show "The Offer" (essential viewing for fans of the 1972 classic film “The Godfather”) in which the actor playing Robert Evans uses a Lucite embedment as a prop in a heartfelt monologue extolling the power of the Paramount brand. 

Lucite embedments and custom awards would later really take hold in the business world, starting with a set of brass balls and later becoming ubiquitous symbols of success in investment banking, among other industries.

In 1972, this form of desktop advertising was a rarity. But as Robert Evans demonstrated, and as the marketing team at Paramount could attest, putting key messages and brand symbols in physical form can be invaluable, with long-lasting and far-reaching effects as part of the background of power players around the world. 

The creative professionals at Polaris Custom Awards are experts in producing tangible symbols to promote a product launch or reinforce a brand or a million other purposes - it's almost endless what expert designers and manufacturers can do with Lucite embedments, crystal tombstones, cast resin figures and many other forms of these tangible symbols of success.


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